The Warm Pebble.

There is a story that when the great library of Alexandria was burned, one book was saved. But it was not a valuable book, and so a poor man, who could read a little, bought it for a few coppers. It…


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CSRF in ICEHRM in Delete User Endpoint

IceHrm employee management system allows companies to centralize confidential employee information and define access permissions to authorized personnel to ensure that employee information is both secure and accessible.

Version: 31.0.0.OS

Tested on: Windows 10

CVE : CVE-2022–26588

2. Description:

The attacker can exploit the CSRF issue and delete any arbitrary users from the application.

3. Steps To Reproduce:

1.) Now login into the application and go to users.

2.) After this add an user with the name Devansh.

3.) Now try to delete the user and intercept the request in burp suite. We can see no CSRF Token in request.

5.) Now generate a csrf poc for post based requests with necessary parameters.

6.) Finally open that html poc and execute in the same browser session.

7.) Now if we refresh the page, the devansh is deleted to csrf vulnerability.

4. Exploit POC (Exploit.html)

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